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Cave Diving
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   NSS Cave Diving Section
The NSS Cave Diving Section is the largest cave diving organization in the United States with members in almost every state. Founded in 1941, The National Speleological Society (NSS) joins together thousands of individuals dedicated to the safe study, exploration, and conservation of caves.
2   Link   Cave Divers Association of Australia
The main aims and objectives of the CDAA are to foster the development, advancement, promotion, mapping, education, exploration, conservation, safety and research of underwater caves and related features.
3   Link   Cave Diving Down Under
As the site continues to grow in the coming months look forward to: expedition and dive reports, equipment reviews, information on cave diving sites across the country, cave maps, cave diving systems and training tips.
4   Link   National Association for Cave Diving
National Association for Cave Diving (NACD) was founded in 1968 with the goal of improving the safety of scuba diving in caves through training and education.
NACD offers training courses and certification in cavern and cave diving, and instructor courses. As part of its mission to raise safety standards in cave diving, the NACD publishes a quarterly journal, holds seminars, and sponsors cave diving projects.