Published by 'Adventure Diving Magazine' December 2012, vol 4, p.23-30.
Summer is usually not the time to hit the caves in Florida as the sweltering heat equals much pain,
sweat and suffering whilst gearing up. On the upside many of the caves are virtually deserted
which means you can have a whole cave system to yourself. Mind you this type of peace and
serenity does not apply to weekends. /.../
Published by 'Adventure Diving Magazine' November 2012, vol 3, p.18-29.
Diving airplane wrecks. Diving on airplane wrecks is quite a strange and bizarre experience - aircraft belong up in the air and not underwater! Yet things don't always go according to plan, planes do crash and
sometimes they end up at the bottom of the ocean /.../ Diving the historic PS Clonmel wreck. Imagine being woken by the sudden jolt of the ship as it strikes a sand bank traveling at ten knots per hour. The wooden ship shudders beneath you and then comes to a grinding halt /.../
Published by 'Tech Diving Mag' March 2012, vol 6, p.20.
by Technical Diving Magazine online.
If you can’t imagine yourself in a cave alone, what are
you doing inside a cave? If you wouldn’t swim three hundred feet
into a cave by yourself what are you doing three thousand feet in with
a buddy? /.../
The Taming Continues: The Peacock to Baptizing Connection
Author: Agnes Milowka, James Toland
Published in 'Underwater Speleology' Volume 38 Number 1, January/February/March 2011
In this interview, Agnes and James will share the thrill of adventure and exploration as they pursued their first
connection. Many people assume that everything in Florida has been found and explored. How is it possible that you
guys are finding new cave, even in popular systems such as Peacock Springs? /.../
Published in CDAA Newsletter 'Guidelines' No 115 March 2011
It’s not difficult to imagine why someone would want to make a movie about cave diving. Inside a cave system the line between life and death is a fine one, which naturally makes for a thrilling adventure or in this case a thriller of a movie. /.../